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Let's talk about how it will die

You're Welcome.


it's breathing funny

This is almost certain death. Chickens love to gasp, sneeze then die. You can try janky shit to fix it, but reality is, they have weird tiny fucking lungs that don't cope well with disease, viruses, dust and everything to do with staying alive, so yeah. It will die.

it's walking funny

Maybe it's Mareks. Maybe it's injured. Maybe it's vitamin deficiency. You just don't know. Neither does your vet unless it's dead and necropsied. Best bet is to wait and see if it fucking dies then find out.

its poop is weird

If chicken is <20 weeks old, it's probably coccidiosis and it will probably die. It's also super contagious so others will probably die too.

If chicken is >20 weeks, stop feeding your chickens fucking weird shit.

gross stuff is coming out of its ass

Chickens are fragile dumbfucks and sometimes eggs break inside them or other horrors happen in their oviducts like infections. It will die, but slowly and painfully.


it's injured and bleeding

This is where you think it will die, but actually it won't.

Chickens are the fucking undead and can walk around with half their body missing and go on to live happily for 15 years.

Usually they die because they sneezed.

it looks cold and/or sleepy

Yeah you're fucked. It's gonna die.

Go to a real website to see possible reasons why it looks cold and/or sleepy because it could be anything, but knowing what it might be will make you feel better.

It died while you were reading the webpages.


It just dropped dead for no reason

Yeah. They do that. 

Was it the most expensive/favorite one?

Yeah. Thought so. Predictable fuckers.

Will ACV and Oregano Oil Help?


No Janice, but it will be pre-seasoned when it dies.

dead chicken

What About Tylan, LA-200 and Ivermectin?

It will still die but you will feel better that you did something science and expensive. Bravo.

Shall I Take it to the Vet?

Our beloved Vets are overbooked, overworked and underpaid tending to actual real pets that might actually stand a chance of not fucking dying, so just go buy another chick while this one dies. 

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